Our story is like working your way across a Congo river on a rustic bridge. A dip into our newsletters, a glimpse of our activities, will show you ho far we have come, thanks to you!
Celebrating our Volunteers
Woman, Cradle of Abundance appreciates very much the many volunteers who join us for all kinds of activities, from 5K runs to gala evenings, from concerts to community fairs, from pop-up markets to social media, and much more. We invite you to come along for the ride, reading newsletters from 2013 to the present.

Woman, Cradle of Abundance's story is evolving - and we have come a long way since 2013! Our newsletters tell the tale. They are not fundraising appeals but a narrative of what is happening on both sides of the Atlantic. We are delighted when someone is moved to donate, but we are most interested in keeping you, our friends, up-to-date. Try a newsy letter today!​