CCS Starts the New Year
Despite the continuing violence around and in Goma, staff and students at Community Charity School (CCS) began the new school year with good cheer. (Here only a few students represent their classes.)

One of the students taking the voluntary computer program during the summer collapsed with dehydration, but he is receiving care which will save his life. Other students gather in their classrooms, though fewer than last year because the situation in the city is so bad.

Note that what is on the board is written in French; normally primary school is taught in a local language. However, students must learn French to continue to secondary or to take part in many aspects of society. A good grounding in French in primary gives these kids a head start in life in more ways than one!
FEBA’s School Children

Schools require students to wear uniforms. Even though primary schools do not charge tuition, the poorest kids may be excluded because they do not have uniforms and school supplies. In summer FEBA devotes considerable time and energy to producing uniforms and then buys notebooks and pens.

This year there were 170 students clamoring for aid! Their mothers are members of FEBA, and they enroll the kids during the summer. First there were 120… then 14 more came, 36 more after that; about 40% are secondary students. Here they have uniforms slung over their shoulders and carry the notebooks. Uniforms and supplies together cost FEBA a hefty price, but leaders stretch themselves to support access to education.

Struggling for Health
Health and strength are precious, and often hard to come by. Malnutrition is widespread and children often suffer broken bones from minor accidents. One young girl, the daughter of a FEBA member, is recovering from her second fall; her leg seemed healed but she tried to walk too soon, in order to be able to go to school, and she is back in a cast… and will miss this school year.

The sewing student who contracted TB has recovered, thanks to FEBA’s care! She poses here in the assembly area of the Women’s Center in front of Maman Monique’s portrait.
Last week another girl in the sewing school collapsed. FEBA paid for tests that revealed appendicitis, and she has now had the needed surgery.
One by one, one by one…
Our Gold Seal of Transparency
We are proud to announce that we have earned a Gold Seal of Transparency from GuideStar/ Candid, which measures how well we live up to our goals.

Listening with the Heart
When the on-going suffering of Congo’s people seems forgotten among so many crises, words from those listening with their hearts remind us that we are connected in ways we cannot imagine. Chara wrote from the UK. “I visited a monastery in Dubrovnik which has a story on the wall of the struggles in DRC; it moved me to tears. I wanted to find a small way to make a difference, and I found your site.”
Thank you, Chara! Thank you, friends in Dubrovnik! Thank you, all who are listening with your hearts!
Two Happy Dolly Stories!

FEBA’s creations include handmade dolls, coiffed and dressed in bright African styles. Two of these have made extra long journeys, to the USA and beyond, to become dearly beloved playthings for little girls very far from Kinshasa. One child is in Haiti (above), another is a little Congolese girl in a Zambian refugee camp.
This doll seems to have lost one eye, but she is still cheerful, making a child happy.
‘Tis the Season for Markets!
TCNJ Community’s Fest and More
Fall and coming holidays inspire pop-up markets and we are ready! The Community Fest hosted at The College of New Jersey on Sept. 21 was a beautiful day of bright booths and eager crowds. Four of our members set up a fine display and did a lively business.
Invite us to come and do a market at your event! All the vivid colors and exotic looking accessories will please your community and attract lots of attention to your market.
Contact Elsie or Bev on our website: