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10th Anniversary!!

Updated: Nov 8, 2024

The Date: February 17, 2013

The Place: a classroom at Princeton Theological Seminary.

The People: Gordon Govens, Elsie McKee, Shari Oosting, Karen Oleri, Lisa Robinson, Sandra Larson

The Purpose: Launching FEBA, Inc. = Woman, Cradle of Abundance.

  A group of friends gathered for a compelling purpose: to support our sisters in Congo in fighting against violence and poverty. Shari’s kind relatives did the legal work, and we were on our way. We had no idea what lay ahead!

  What a way it has been! Thanks to our wonderful friends in Congo whose courage and imagination and sheer determination have inspired us, plus thanks to all of you who have encouraged, supported, and kept us going, this “little engine that could” has thrived.

   Along the way we have been gifted with new board members, new friends, and each of you. To begin our year we want to share with you a few of our special memories and plans.

Some Fun & Fundraising!


Wonderful concerts have delighted our ears and benefited our partners, starting with Karrin Allyson in 2013 (& 14 & 15), Anna Preston and friends in 2016, and her students in 2022.

Hands Across the Water at CMS, Grover, HS North got into the spirit with art and act.



Education Spells HOPE



32 “Starfish” in our Kivu province partner CENEDI celebrated completing secondary school with diplomas (like an A.A.). Over 400 spunky girls and boys in primary school in GOMA since 2015 have been learning and growing despite war and the daily struggle to survive.


“I can read and write!” In a land where half of the girls between 5 and 17 years are illiterate…

Across the country in Kinshasa every year FEBA helps 12 youth earn their state diplomas and prepare to take their places in community leadership. Dozens of primary children receive school supplies, and uniforms made by FEBA. Since 2010, over 800 have been assisted on their way.



FEBA’s Women’s Center

In 2013 our dear FEBA partners in Kinshasa asked for “a place” – so thanks to all of you we bought land and built them this solid 2-story Women’s Center, completed 2018.

    In 2022 a new roof was donated by friends at Nassau Presbyterian and other friends added two new classrooms for a new program! See our BREAKING BIG NEWS.


       This is FEBA’s heart-home, where women of all ages gather monthly to share, sing, learn and teach each other.

 There is counseling for trauma and grief, there are food and medicine for life.

Women find microloans (199 so far); others start micro-savings, signing up in their own little blue books to put away a nest egg for hope. They are empowered to take charge of their lives and give their children a better future.


The Sewing School AND!!!


The Women’s Center houses the Sewing School, where over 100 young women have made new lives.


BREAKING BIG NEWS!!!!! Thanks to a VERY GENEROUS NEW grant from Bryn Mawr Presbyterian, FEBA will be adding a computer science program! On our visit to FEBA in July we will see these remarkable young women in new roles and bring back photos.

    Stay tuned!!!




FARMS & FOOD, 57 Acres!

Farming is still the key to life for most women in Congo. First Presbyterian of Evanston gave FEBA a farm in 2017 and we have added to it and bought a truck and tractor.

Thanks to J&J Caring Crowd & friends we have also bought a farm for women of CENEDI who suffered rape in their former forest fields.


Friends have added a flour mill & generator. We harvest safely, eat and celebrate!


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