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Our Purpose

Woman, Cradle of Abundance is a nonprofit organization with a vision to eradicate systemic poverty and violence against women and children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Our mission is to empower women and children in their fight for safety, education, and economic independence. We are committed to working with the leadership of Congolese-established and run nonprofits, who set the agenda, to ensure that what we do in partnership meets standards for best practices, and actually serves their healthcare, educational, and economic needs. Our approach involves providing essential support and resources to help them break the cycle of poverty and violence, one child, one girl, one woman, one family at a time.

Our Impact


  • Physical Safety

  • Food Security  

  • Medical Care  

  • Counseling      

  • Community      


  • Gender equality, human rights

  • School support for children     

  • Literacy for girls and women   

  • Vocational training for girls     

  • Conflict resolution education                   


  • Financial literacy/ marketing

  • Microloans/ micro-savings   

  • Tools for career graduates    

  • Agricultural best practices    

  • Small animal husbandry       

Our Story

We are a community of hope and action. We are drawn together with our friends in Congo by a shared vision of empowerment for Congolese women and children in their fight against poverty and gender violence.


We began as individual friends - Elsie with Monique Misenga Mukuna, Cheryl with Bahininwa Saidia and Innocent Nunda wa Nunda. Elsie was inspired by “Maman” Monique’s ministry with destitute girls and widows in Kinshasa, Cheryl was drawn to Bahininwa’s ministry with orphans in war-torn Kivu province.

In 2013 Elsie and a handful of American friends established Woman, Cradle of Abundance to support Maman Monique’s work. In 2014, Cheryl brought her middle school club, Hands Across the Water, to be the youth division of Woman, Cradle of Abundance.

Elsie and Monique

Monique with Elsie and Nyambura Njoroge (Kenya)_edited.jpg

Finding Sisters and Working Together:


Elsie Tshimunyi McKee and Monique Misenga Mukuna discovered each other in 2008, when Monique was on a church speaking tour in the USA. Elsie welcomed Monique with delight as her sister: “We were born in the same province, grew up speaking the same language, and now we have found each other!” That province was the Kasai, in the south-central region of the Congo; it was West Kasai for Elsie, East Kasai for Monique. Monique’s education followed the European pattern, Elsie’s the American, so they never met as children. But when they did… “It was like finding a twin!” Elsie began to support Monique’s church-based ministry, starting a refuge for battered women.


In 2010, male church leaders objected to Monique’s success, and pushed her out of her job. Just at that time, Elsie and her husband John and sister Beth visited Monique in Kinshasa, where they saw Monique continuing her ministry in her own home through the nonprofit FEBA, and Elsie resolved to find a way to support Monique's work. And so Woman, Cradle of Abundance was born…!

Cheryl and Hands Across the Water


Cheryl and the Hands Across the Water Story:

Cheryl Ciaranca, a teacher at Community Middle School (CMS) in Plainsboro, NJ, is an "accidental activist" who wanted to introduce her students to kids like themselves in Africa. On the internet she found Mr. Bahininwa Saidia of CENEDI (Center for Mentoring Children in Difficulties) and thought it was a great way to connect her school club, Hands Across the Water (HAW), with new friends.


In 2009, the two organizations began a formal relationship. The intention was to promote understanding and a link between American children in HAW and those in Congo through a pen pal program. Soon the kids in New Jersey learned how unlike the circumstances were for their new Congolese friends... For the rest of story, see

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal                                                                         Percent of Funding


​No Poverty 

  • Increase resources for people in poverty ................................................................ 5

  • Enhance poverty support in developing countries .................................................... 5


Zero Hunger 

  • Improve access to nutritious food .......................................................................... 5

  • Support food production systems .......................................................................... 3

  • Expand agriculture production in developing countries ............................................ 8


Good Health and Wellbeing 

  • Provide health coverage, medicines and vaccines .................................................. 11


Quality Education 

  • Ensure quality education ..................................................................................... 8

  • Develop employment skills ................................................................................... 8

  • Ensure gender equality in education ..................................................................... 8

  • Increase literacy ................................................................................................. 5

  • Improve development skills .................................................................................. 8


Gender Equality 

  • Eradicate violence against women ..................................................................... 5

  • Promote female leadership ................................................................................ 5

  • Foster equality in ownership and resources .......................................................... 3

  • Empower women through technology ................................................................. 3


Decent Work and Economic Growth 

  • Reduce unemployed and uneducated youth ......................................................... 5


Reduce Inequalities

  • Empower Equality ........................................................................................... 5


2024 GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency

Individual professional endorsement

Dr. Daniel Shungu

Ph.D., University of Maryland

Fellow, Temple University School of Medicine

Founder, United Front Against Riverblindness 2004

Dr. Shungu describes FEBA's Women's Center. "What happened to this property in the following ten years has been nothing short of a miracle. ... hundreds of women and girls in DRC have been rescued, given new leases in life, a sense of security and wellbeing.  They in turn have been productive and successful in helping others."

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Board of Directors


Elsie McKee

International Liason and President

Dr. Elsie McKee is a renowned historian of the 16th century, having published books and articles on John Calvin, Katharina Schütz Zell, and Reformation worship. She has taught and studied in Europe, Congo, and the United States, and has been involved in educational and medical projects in Congo, including the Presbyterian University (Kasai), United Front Against Riverblindness, and Education Congo.

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Cheryl Ciaranca

Outreach Coordinator and Secretary

Cheryl founded Hands Across the Water while teaching at Community Middle School. The program connects students from different backgrounds and provides education and employment opportunities in Congo. Cheryl now works as the Community Outreach Coordinator for Woman Cradle of Abundance to continue her work in helping the people of Congo.

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John McGlaughlin


John is a retired human services professional with a Ph.D. in Education and an MA in Organizational Development. He is married to Elsie McKee and with her has visited FEBA’s school in Kinshasa several times and seen the partner sewing school in the Kasai. He has taken an active role in supporting and promoting the goals of Woman Cradle of Abundance through fundraising efforts. In 2017, he assumed the role of treasurer.

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Gordon A. Govens

Founding Board Member

Gordon is the Vice President for Student Affairs at Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, AL. He also directs the Lilly Grant program on Thriving Churches. His background is as a lawyer and business development executive. He has served as Vice President or Senior Director at Beliefnet, Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM), Real Networks.  Gordon was a partner at Pantaleoni Govens and Wise. His education includes B.A. Swarthmore College; Juris Doctor Fordham University; Masters of Divinity and Ph.D. Princeton Theological Seminary. He has taught at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI., been a senior research fellow at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University, and President of the Presbyterian Pan American School in Kingsville, TX.

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Susan Lidstone

Board Member

Since the start of Woman, Cradle of Abundance, Susan Lidstone has been a passionate supporter. She is an artist with a vibrant creative energy, a warm and sparkling personality, and a big, bright smile. Susan brings beauty to everything she does, from creating displays for our sewing school products to designing artwork for our sister Congo non-profit UFAR's African Soirées. She also made the first major gift to launch the Women's Center campaign in 2013 and has generously followed its progress.

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Anna deGroot Preston

Board Member

A native of Lincoln, Virginia, Anna relocated to Princeton, New Jersey, to study at Westminster Choir College, where she earned two master’s degrees, Masters of Music in Piano Accompanying and Vocal Coaching, and Masters of Music in Piano Pedagogy and Performance. Since returning to Virginia she has established and directs the Botetourt Music Academy in Botetourt County. She delights in teaching and making music, and is honored to serve as a board member for Woman Cradle of Abundance. Anna has produced a number of wonderful concerts to support Woman Cradle of Abundance, both in Princeton and in Virginia. One of her roles is electronic communications. She has also inspired her children to create their own form of the annual 5K: what a great family affair!


Emily Devi Ramkishun

Board Member

My name is Emily Devi Ramkishun. I was born in Georgetown, Guyana. I am an undergraduate at TCNJ finishing up my bachelor's degree. I'm majoring in criminology and minoring in graphic design and journalism. I am interested in the field of social work. Since I was sixteen years old, I have desired to work as a social worker, especially assisting with child protection. I want to understand the CPS industry: their purpose and what they are known for. There are many preconceived connotations made by society degrading the occupation, and I want to know why. What is lacking in that field, that I can contribute to? My hobbies include cooking (mainly Caribbean dishes), drawing, reading, and riding my bicycle. Fun Fact: I have a motorcycle license and I would love to get a boat license as well!


Beverley Williams

Board Member

Beverley Williams is a librarian by profession, and an active leader in her church and friend to Congo women by choice. Originally from Jamaica, she worked at Union Theological Seminary and at Princeton Theological Seminary library until her retirement. Bev heard about Woman Cradle of Abundance from friends at the seminary and became involved as a volunteer in 2014. Her enthusiasm and her joy in sharing news about FEBA are contagious. Now she combines singing and Woman Cradle of Abundance in great style, happily spreading the word about the sewing school and its needs and successes.

Board Members, Emerita

Our Partners

We are grateful to our partners who have invited us to share in their work to uplift and empower women and children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Together, we are helping to create sustainable change and ensure a better future for those in need. Our partners play the central role in helping us implement programs and initiatives which make visible changes for many hundreds of people, and we are thankful for their unwavering commitment to our shared mission.

Our Accountability

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Cash $232,398

In-kind $6,022

150 Individual Donors

10 Churches & Schools

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